Thursday, January 10, 2013

How To Make Turkey Egg Rolls - Lumpia made of ground turkey

Appetizing recipe using the leftover turkey meat besides just turkey sandwich or soup. I love turkey but as always, we ended up with mounds of leftover, especially the dark meat so instead of the same leftover dish idea I created a recipe and turned this tasty meat into a great appetizer or snacks. Try this recipe and the best thing, you can freeze and save the rest for later.  Have you heard of lumpia or spring rolls or egg rolls? The dish is similar to it but instead of using ground beef, pork, seafood I used my leftover meat, ground it mix with some ground sausage, some seasonings, wrap in pastry wrapper, fry and then serve with hot melted cheese. I wish I thought of this recipe before. They are pretty tasty. And the best thing, I don't have to throw my leftovers rotisserie chicken too.

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