Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Spring flowers

It’s spring and flowers are everywhere! I captured these moments with my simple Sony camera to enjoy the beauty and colors of each flower I saw last weekend. See some varieties of Orchids. The colors of Hydrangeas that's popular all over south. I do have the blue and just bought some pink. They are  so gorgeous. Famous singer, Madonna is not a fan of hydrangeas , I guess because it's a southern kind of flower or maybe she just loved thorny roses.  Hydrangeas for me are one of those perfect flower that Mother Nature painted for us to see and appreciate and I feel lucky to have them growing in my garden and blossoms during spring and summer.. There are also bougainvilleas which grows wildly in the  Philippines but selling  here in the States for a good price. I never knew that those thorny bushes have such value. I saw some knockout roses, my - those awesome Dahlias, another perfect plant and the Daisies which I saw growing by our church grotto. Life is just beautiful especially during spring time.

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